Tara plays the flute classically and even played it while in college. Her favorite musician is definitely Weird Al and her favorite fast food place is Taco Bell. Her favorite type of dog is Chihuahua and she has plenty of them to prove her love of them.
Megan has been working in the field of Veterinary Medicine for over 5 years. She enjoys talking with the clients as well as loving on their furry-friends. Megan is a wife, and mother of two boys. She has 3 dogs, 1 cat, 2 lizards and ducks. In her free time, she enjoys either binge-watching netflix or spending time with family, whether that be spending quality time at home or going and getting muddy on the quad.
She is a native of Chehalis and graduated from Washington State University with a B.S. in wildlife ecology and graduated from the University of Idaho with a Master’s in natural resources. She has a 14 year old cat named Frisco that she’s had since he was a kitten and a one year old puppy named Leia and they are the best of friends. She absolutely loves working with animals and is also currently working with WDFW to restore native species habitat. She can often be found skiing, hiking, camping, and kayaking in her free time.
She is a licensed Veterinary Technician. She graduated from Pierce College Fort Steilacom in 2009. She also has a fiancé of 8 years and together they have a 2 and a 1/2 year old son, 4 dogs, and 2 horses.
Daisy works at both River Bend Pet Center and Newaukum Valley Vet Services. She enjoys and excels in any position she is in within both of our facilities. She was born and raised in Texas but moved to Washington because she enjoys the cold weather and many climates Washington has to offer. She has a handsome German Shepherd pup named Luka as well as a few kitties named: Peaches, Bells, Baby, Chika and TT.
After leaving California to move to Japan and then to Texas, Louise was ready to move back to the West Coast. Luck had it, her husband of 18 years was transferred to Washington. She loves the outdoors, rock hounding, riding her quad and fishing. But most of all, she loves her 4 fur-babies: Bella, Cody, Kylie and Waylon. They keep her busy and her heart full. She enjoys getting to know both client’s and their pets, feeling as though the Newaukum Valley And River Bend Family continues to grow with each new face.
Taylor has recently joined our team and is in a variety of positions here at Newaukum Valley Veterinary Services. She is dedicated to helping all the animals she can. She is married with two young boys who keep her on her toes. Taylor also has two dogs that she considers to be her children as well. She loves to be outdoors in her free-time with her family and her long term goal is to be working with big farm animals and own her own mobile butcher shop to pass on to her boys. PS…. She is a fantastic cook!
Kelsey is a native to Lewis County. She has spent her whole life here and has added to her family with her three dogs named Ryder, Sheldon and Yenni. Kelsey brings alot of laughter to all of us here at Newaukum Valley Vet with her amazing Jim Carey impressions. She swears by living off caffeine and mascara is the key to happiness in life but video games, hiking and a good brewery is an added bonus.
Larua is a devoted mother, grandmother and wife. She takes pleasure in tending to her farm and farm critters as well as spending all the time she can with her family. She has three dogs named: Diesel, Fergus and E. She knows when it is time to work and when it is time to laugh and most of the time she is laughing when working. Laura is thankful to work alongside people who love animals and that are also amazing humans. We appreciate all that she does for us here at Newaukum Valley Vet.